
Today : Believe

“So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.” Romans 5:11 (NLT)

There comes a time when you must choose whether or not you are going to believe. There are many things that you can strive for in life. Many goals you can live for. Many lofty positions you can aspire to. But in all your striving there is one most important attribute you dare not ignore. God has created you to be more than a creation. He has created you to be His friend. Do you believe this? As hard as that can be to grasp, it is true. God will even help you understand it more fully  if you let Him. He gave you the Holy Spirit, to fill your heart with His love. So today you need to listen to His voice. Let today’s verse penetrate your heart. “So now you can rejoice in your wonderful new relationship with God because the Lord Jesus Christ has made you a friend of God.”

Father, creator of all things, Almighty God, how thankful I am that You have called me Your friend. Holy Spirit, help me really understand what this means. Please fill my heart with the knowledge of your love. Help me to know and rejoice in this new relationship with You. Thank You for calling me Your friend.

I am a friend of God!
We get many pictures of God in our mind but have you ever pictured the deep friendship that He desires to have with us? Today, use visualization and see God’s deep love for you. See yourself in a peaceful place as God approaches you. He calls you by name and looks at you lovingly in the face. Sense His love as His eyes penetrate deep into your heart. Take a deep breath and as you exhale say, “I am a friend of God.” Let the reality sink in. God is your friend and you are His.