A Clear Conscience

Today : A Clear Conscience

“Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.” I Timothy 1:19 (NLT)

If we want to live a joyful Christian life then we need to keep our conscience clear. We have a large propensity toward rationalizing away our attitudes and behavior. We will do anything to keep from feeling guilt over something we have done. We bury any negative emotions and before you know it our conscience has been seared. But the truth is we end up paying a toll for our lack of repentance. If not careful we will be like the person in today’s passage, our faith will become shipwrecked. Instead, God offers us grace. When He convicts us of sin, all He asks is that we repent, confess our sins to Him and accept His forgiveness and unconditional love. What is it that has alienated you from God or other people? Today, bring it to God. Confess it and ask His forgiveness. Keep your conscience clear.

Father, help me keep my conscience clear with You. Convict me of sin and by Your grace, lead me to repentance. Thank You, that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and willing to forgive me of every transgression.

I keep my conscience clear
Picture yourself going through your day with a visible presence of God. Something irritates you and your lose your temper. You notice God and you sense that what you did is wrong. However, it is not a heavy guilt but a deep love that compels you to tell Him how sorry you are. You dialog with God and commit to different behavior. You feel His forgiveness. You sense His deep love. You are glad to have this kind of relationship because it keeps your conscience clear.