My Generation

Today : My Generation

So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. Psalms 78:7 (NLT)

How personal is God to you? How have you applied faith to your own circumstances? Are you living with a vibrant, relevant trust in God for your own personal circumstances or are you simply involved in a passed down religious experience. Now it is true that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, but each generation has a new set of circumstances and we must appropriate faith to our own unique situation. We can’t live off the faith of previous generations. True, we must not forget the great deeds that God has done in the past and we must keep His commands and teachings but now we have to take all we have heard and all that we know and make it true for us. This is our time to step up and trust God. So today, as different as this time is from all other times before, know that God is with you and set your hope on Him.

Father, I come to You and put my faith in You. I need You for such a time as this. I need You for specific needs in my life. I ask You to be Lord of my life in this generation. Help me to live for You today. In Jesus’ name.

I am going to live for God in my generation
Visualize Almighty God, the God of all ages, being totally interested in this generation. Sense His love for you and His care for your life. See Him as the God of all ages and at the same time the God of right now. Sense His relevance and His power to influence your life. Worship Him and thank Him for being the God of your generation.