Learning To Pray

Today : Learning To Pray

“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’ He said to them, ‘When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.”’ Luke 11:1-2 (NIV)

There is much to learn about praying. It seems so easy, “just talk to God”, but then why don’t we do it? Instead we act as if we are calling in a take-out order at a restaurant. Nothing really personal just putting in our request. Or we leave messages on the heavenly answering machine because we don’t expect God to “pick-up”. Where is the relationship? The disciples saw Jesus pray and they knew the impact it had on His ministry. They saw the relationship. Can you imagine how that must have been? It was enough that one of His disciples asked Jesus to show him how to pray. And what was the first thing Jesus modeled? He said, “Father”. Prayer for Jesus was about His relationship with His father. Larry Crabb in his book The Papa Prayer writes, “The chief purpose of prayer is to get to know God, to deepen our relationship with Him.” God wants a relationship with you! He created you for fellowship. Prayer is more than just a shopping list, more than simple confession, more than a one way conversation. It is a dialog, a relationship. It is you getting to know God and fellowshipping “with” Him not “at” Him. Might your prayer be today, “Dear Lord, teach me to pray.”

Father, I come to you now and ask you to teach me to pray! I want a real relationship with you. I want to know you and fellowship with you. I want to know your thoughts, your desires, your direction for my life. Help me relate to you throughout the day so prayer becomes second nature to me. In Jesus Name.

I partner with God in prayer
Today, picture yourself with Jesus. As He is near, look at Him and ask, “Jesus, please teach me to pray.” As you wait on God, feel your heart yearn for a deeper relationship with Him. As you sense His presence, talk to Him, share your thoughts, ask Him to share His thoughts with you. Be still, listen, share, fellowship with Him. As you do, He will do with you what He did with the disciples. He will teach you to pray.