Remain In The Vine

Today : Remain In The Vine

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 (NLT)

Remain. What a word. In the context it means to be grafted in. Jesus used the illustration of a vine. God takes us, who are separated from Him, and makes us His own. We belong to Christ. We are grafted into His forever family. Grafting means that we get our identity from the vine. We are part of the vine now and bear the fruit of the vine. We also get our life source from the vine. Paul spoke about this relationship with Christ saying, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being.” But it is more than just being part of the vine. It is possible to be a dead branch and still be attached. Jesus also meant for us to stay or remain with Him to the end. It is living a life of faith that is dependent on Him every day after day. It is staying in a living connection with Christ, enduring to the very end. God has called us to a life of worship, fellowship and obedience to our Lord and Savior. If we do this, Jesus promises that we will bear much fruit. For what Christ said is true, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” Today, remain in Him. 

Father, it is so true, apart from you I can do nothing. In You I do live and have my being. Thank You for making Your own. Help me to remain connected, drawing my strength, hope and faith from You.

I will remain in Jesus
Jesus painted a beautiful word picture. Today visualize yourself being a branch connected to a vine. See how connected and dependent the branch in on the vine. Sense the life force, nourishment and vitality from the vine going through you. Next see yourself praying, talking to God, singing and worshiping. As you visualize yourself in the presence of God, feel the same life force, the same vitality and connectedness that you did with the vine. Sense how connected you are and that He is indeed your life force.