Focused Attention

Today : Focused Attention

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

What we think can dictate the way we feel. Then our feelings effect our thinking and so the spiral goes. So much of what we think at a rudiment level is false. Often what we worry about, the self talk we have, how we view ourself, our core beliefs about life, are based on lies, half-truths or erroneous assumptions. They enter our minds in stealth mode and before we know it, we are feeling down. These lies go unchallenged and cause all sorts of havoc in our lives. Paul says that there is a better way. He says to pray. Talk to God about our thoughts, expose them to the light of the Holy Spirit. He is able to guard our hearts and minds. William Backus in his book, “Learning To Tell Myself The Truth” shares “Feelings follow your thoughts. Untruthful, negative thoughts lead to unpleasant feelings of anxiety, depression or frustration, while truthful, positive thoughts create corresponding pleasant and upbeat feelings.—Your feelings can serve as an alarm to remind you to question your thoughts and beliefs. Are they negative or positive? Are they true or false? Once you’ve begun to identify the underlying thoughts and beliefs, you are on your way to healing, wholeness, and happiness.” Today begin to follow Paul’s advice. When negative feelings come, “fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

Father, You know my inner person. You hear my self talk better than I do. By the power of the Holy Spirit please alert me to my negative thinking and help me fix my thoughts on what is true. Help me think with my faith in Your love and power, not with my feelings. In Jesus’ name.

I fix my thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable
The way we correct our thinking is through focus. Focused attention on what we feel and what we are thinking. Focus on what God says in His word. Focus on the presence of God and His love for us. Today, spend a few minutes focusing on today’s affirmation. Repeat it three times slowly, thinking of each word. Let your mind focus on what it means to you. Focus on God’s presence and His help in keeping you focused. Today shut out the interference and practice focused attention.