Today’s Joy

Today : Today’s Joy

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;no shadow of shame will darken their faces. Psalms 34:5 (NLT)

“No shadow of shame will darken their face.” What overshadows you? Unresolved trauma, bitterness, unforgiveness, sense of shame, sorrow, guilt? We are emotional creatures and if we are not careful, our emotions will overshadow us. Instead, God offers us joy. All we need to do is look to Him. But that is easier said than done. We let the mistakes, troubles and traumas of the past cast a dark ominus shadow over all we do and are. Or we spend our time fretting about the future. We get so busy worrying and planning that we don’t see the darkness that it leaves us in. Instead, God wants to live in His radiant light. He wants us to live each day to its fullest. He has joy for us if we will trust Him for it. Today, let us come to Him. Give Him this day. Take all your bitterness, regret, and trauma from the past and the worries, fears, apprehensions of the future and trade them for the the joy and love God has for you today.

Dear Father, how I need Your joy today. Forgive me for letting the past cast such a shadow on me. Forgive me for letting the worries of the future keep me from enjoying Your presence today. I come to You now and ask that You would take this day and lead me, guide me and fill me with the reality of Your love and joy.

I choose to live in the now
Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. As you do, focus on this day. As your mind begins to fill with thoughts, stop and focus again, but this time on this very moment. Become conscious of this very moment. Hear your breath, feel your heart beat, hear the noise around you. Pray, Lord make me conscious of Your presence. Sense God here with you, right now. Pray again, “Lord, help me live today with full awareness that You are with me and today I will live in the radiance of present joy.